Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Alexia Photojournalism Grants, age 12 hugging her aunt Jada, 39 y.o. near the Crow Hill Sun Dance grounds. "I can take you in, my girl..." - Jada says to Shauncina. Spirit Lake, North Dakota. April, 2013. By Rena Effendi, 2018 Alexia Professional Grant Recipient.

One Week Left to Apply for The Alexia

There are exactly seven days remaining to submit your application for The Alexia Professional Grant and for our three Alexia Student Grants. The deadline is this Monday, Sept. 30 at 11.59 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time.

The winner of The Alexia Professional Grant will receive $20,000 to produce a proposed story. The first place winner of The Alexia Student Grant will receive a cash grant of $1,000 to produce the proposed story and funding for a semester at Syracuse University. The First Place grant is equivalent to a semester-long fellowship or residency at Syracuse University, taking three classes, working on projects and further developing skills with the support of a world-class faculty.

Two student finalists will receive a $500 cash grant and may attend a Momenta Workshop or a MediaStorm one day workshop or four day workshop during the calendar year after being named a finalist.

Student eligibility has changed for the 2019 competition. Any student who is currently enrolled, or who graduated in May 2019 or is currently on an internship will be eligible to apply.

Do not wait any longer. Submit your materials today. And please share this reminder with anyone who should apply!

Learn more and apply at
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