Friday, October 3, 2014

Al’s Think Tank Photo Halloween Contest 2014

Kooky chefs prepping up some radical fruit for Halloween Al Diaz / Miami Herald Staff
For this year’s Halloween contest a witches cauldron is bubbling over with a treasure trove of prizes from ThinkTank Photo, Peak Design and 3 Legged ThingSend us your favorite Halloween photograph for a chance to hear the skeletal Grim Reaper moan and groan as he hurls the loot to the prize winners. A gang of gnarly Miami Herald staff photographers will select the best super-crafty Halloween photographs for first, second and third place.
Deadline to enter is the witching hour 
(midnight) on spooky Friday, October 31, 2014.

The winners will be announced sometime after I recover from photographing the Day of the Dead assignment I’ll be shooting on November 1.

Image Specifications:
  • FREE to enter the contest.
  • Email your entry to:
  • Write in subject line: Halloween Contest 2014
  • All images must be JPEG files.
  • Images should measure no more than 600 pixels wide, or 450 pixels deep at   100 dpi. It doesn’t really matter just keep them at a low resolution.
  • You can enter a maximum of 10 Halloween photos old or  new.
  • Deadline is midnight on spooky Friday, October 31, 2014
Photographs will only be used for contest promotion and to announce the winners on my blog, facebook or twitter accounts. You retain all rights to the images.

First Place Wins:
Think Tank Photo Retrospective50 in Blue Slate $249.75
Peak Design CapturePRO with PROpad $109.90

Second Place Wins:
Think Tank Photo CityWalker 20 in Blue $144.75
Peak Design Capture Camera Clip $59.95

Third Place Wins:
Think Tank Photo DigitalHolster 20 $69.75

Peak Design Leash and Cuff $49.95